
Monday, March 18, 2013


Following the excellent Desktop Zero model, Tokyo-based imcth is offering a 1:32 scale kit that assembles to make an ultra-detailed structural model of the World War II-vintage North American P-51D Mustang.

Much of the imcth Desktop Mustang is fabricated of metal components, with cast metal and photo-etch parts, plus transparencies, rubber tyres, and much more.

No fuss build
For all that, actual assembly is claimed to be easy, with a minimum of tools necessary. So that’s all right then, as a no-fuss construction system suits this time-short writer very well.

Metal look
As the Desktop Mustang is a see-inside structural model, the bare-metal appearance is excellent as it is, with little or no painting necessary - unless you want to pick out details such as the prop blades or canopy surround, even paint the components in factory-finish anti-corrosion green. In our opinion though, this P-51D really looks best in as-supplied gleaming metal, preferably with a small desk lamp picking out the highlights.

Produced and marketed by imcth, the metal parts are manufactured by Model Factory Hiro, a company with an excellent reputation for accuracy.

About imcth
Imcth is a new kid on the block, dating only from April 2008, and with gratifying aims that ought to make us model fans very pleased indeed.

Try this: “We provide real models made with truly innovative creativity.

“We lead our customers to a new discovery - to their ‘Aha!’ moment.

“Our goal is to create real models which will cause our customers to unconsciously say: ‘Aha! That’s how you do it! Thank you!’

“Hearing these words is our motivation and the meaning for our existence.”

All of which is rather zen, deeply cool, and voices an outlook that bodes well for the future of imcth and its models, so best wishes from Scale Model News.

More on the Desktop Mustang here. Pre-orders have started, deliveries expected in May.

Model Factory Hiro homesite here.

Model Factory Hiro Ferrari here.


  1. It would be great to see this kit and possible other releases from this firm include a removable fueselage skin. I believe these kits also have movable parts as well - which is great! I'd love to see them do a Skyraider among others - the list could go on and on!

  2. I'm tempted to suggest a leather-jacketed pilot figure, skeletal style, standing by the wing...

  3. Anyone know any where in North American to buy these kits?

  4. Don't know about specific US/Can distribution, but try Googling Hobby Link Japan, who do worldwide mail-order.
