
Friday, December 24, 2010


As we enter the Christmas season, we can all look forward to 2011 which, if model world rumors even come partly true, promises to be a very eventful year!

 Thank you for visiting Scale Model News throughout 2010 and we look forward to your company in times to come.

We are also looking forward to launching some major improvements to Scale Model News. So stay tuned!

As for the pix above, well wouldn’t we like to make a kit of that Jules Verne Nautilus lookalike?! Sad to say, there isn’t one quite like it available, so it’s here as an Xmas-week project idea for you kit-bashers out there.

And who got the idea for the Hawk paint job? This US-issue Hawk, aka T-45, is one of several of these jet trainers finished in deliciously bright Centennial markings. And you don’t need to be a skilled basher to create one for the display shelf...

Have a look at some Hawks (and not just the BAe kind) here.


  1. Thanks for the idea. I think I'll use an old Hindenburg model that has seen better days. Though it won't look exactly the same it will look like a close cousin.
    Merry Christmas "Mr. J" and have a happy new year.

  2. Sounds good Warren, and let's have a look at it when she's complete! Meantime have a great Christmas and New Year.

  3. That Jules Verne Nautilus is a great looking model - sorry inspiration for a model.

    Any particular scale?


  4. I'd say 1:144 scale is probably about right, bearing in mind the Jules Verne original was described as being some 70 m long - which gives a scale length of 486 mm, just a shade over 19 in, which is big enough for most display shelves!
