
Friday, August 21, 2009


Today’s the day in 1959 that President Eisenhower proclaimed Hawaii as the 50th state of the Union, a fact that’s celebrated with the Admission Day public holiday. So have a good day, Hawaii.

For model fans, Honolulu offers some fine opportunities, including a climate that’s ideal for radio-control (R/C) flight enthusiasts, and stores such as Toys n’ Joys. As its name implies, much of the Tn’J stock is dedicated to younger buyers, but there are also diecast trucks and automobiles aplenty, as well as Big Boys’ Toys in the form of a wide range of R/C helicopters, cars, tanks, boats and planes.

Diecast aircraft include the Herpa and Gemini Jets ranges, plus - not a usual part of SMN’s remit, but they’re really quite cute - the Daron Toys range of Flight Attendant dolls. These are mostly female, come in a pink bag, are dressed in a range of airline insignia, and are highly collectible. This reviewer reckons one or two of these could make an interesting addition to any civil airliner collection. Or not! You choose - and if the answer’s yes, then Daron also produces male attendants, a pilot figure (top picture, and note the uber-cool shades) and a space crew astronette (bottom).

Visit Toys n’ Joys here.

Visit Daron Toys here.

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